Refurb and Recycle

With our network of suppliers and partners across the globe, we are placed in a position to offer an unrivaled end-to-end solution that aids your business when it comes to phone repairs. We can offer a full recycle and reuse plan which will see all your scrap turned into value. We can usually help extract value where others can’t all while helping the environment by reducing waste.

Environmentally friendly

If you care about the environment, buying refurbished rather than brand new is a great way to help the planet. Reusing rather than recycling a phone for its parts is a great way to prolong its lifespan, and if your company is conscious about its carbon footprint and being more green, buying refurbished will help you do your bit to lower consumption.

Buying a refurbished phone helps the environment

The easiest way to reduce the environmental impact of smartphones is to use them for longer. Studies suggest that keeping a mobile phone in use for an extra year cuts its lifetime CO2 impact by a third, while also reducing the demand for precious resources and cutting the emissions associated with buying a new phone.

However, most of us upgrade because firstly our phone is slow and its battery life is rubbish or secondly we’ve broken it somehow. Just hanging onto your phone isn’t an option for most people – which is where refurbished phones come in!

In simple terms, a refurbished phone is a pre-owned device that is extensively tested and repaired where necessary to give it a second life.

Switching to refurbished Phones helps reduce the carbon emissions and resource demand associated with building a new phone, while also preventing an old phone from going to landfill. If enough people buy refurbished phones, it could have a major positive impact on the environment!

It also links into a concept called the Circular Economy. In a Circular Economy, the products we buy and use on a regular basis are repaired and reused rather than replaced. This decreases the amount of emissions we produce while ensuring everyone still has access to the gadgets they want and need.

Oh, and buying a refurbished phone is much cheaper than buying a new one too. It’s better for you, and better for the planet.